This game was tested on Crossover 13.1.3
The issue: 1) The game downloads and installs just fine via Steam, but it might hang or show some errors during the installation regarding "ut3 engine redist". 2) The game downloads and install just fine via Steam, but "UE3Redist.exe" won't stop relaunching.
The workaround: It's bugged. Ignore the "UE3Redist.exe" and force quit the ut3 engine redist installation, close steam, shutdown the bottle and install the following into your Steam-ACM bottle:
- DirectX 9 (legacy) via Crosstie
- DirectX 9 (recent) via Crosstie (should already be part of the Steam bottle)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, 2008, 2010 via Crosstie
- Microsoft .NET 4.0 via Crosstie
Reboot the bottle once. The redist installation message should disappear now.
If the issue continues to plague you after you have tried the tip mentioned above:Navigate to the folder where you installed ACM and delete the "UE3Redist.exe" manually. Make sure to delete it from your trash bin as well. In my case the file is located here: /home/username/.cxoffice/Steam/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Aliens Colonial Marines/Binaries/Redist/UE3Redist.exe
This should stop that thing from popping up again for good. Remember to relaunch Steam & ACM.
Please note: You will have to delete the file every time you validate the game data via Steam. Btw, this also happens on many Windows 7 & 8 systems. In my case it even automatically rebooted my Windows 8 PC during the installation of "UE3Redist".