Crossover for Linux 8.0
Albumplayer 5.0 (Gold)
Albumplayer 5.1x (Bronze)
In short*
You need
"Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)-Modern"
"Microsoft DirectX Runtime"
"Jet4.0 service pack 8" (
In guide*
1)Go to "Manage Bottles"
Click on the "+" left under
Bottle name: AB (or something you like it)
Create from Template: winxp
2)Go to "Add/Remove" tab
Select the bottle AB
Install software
Mark show all service packs and dependencies"
Mark "Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)-Modern"
Install it
2) Go to Install software
Mark show all service packs and dependencies"
Mark "Microsoft DirectX Runtime" (this one for the equalizer to work)
3) Download jet4.0 service pack 8
4) Set windows version to 98 by..
Select bottle, configure, control panel, click on the wine glass
Set windows version to 98, oke, oke
5) Install Jet40SP8_9xNT.exe by..
Select the bottle AB
Install software
Mark "install unsupported software"
Browse to the Jet40SP8_9xNT.exe
Install it
6) Set windows back to WinXP
You might want to add a drive letter to link to the music on your computer
Select bottle, configure, control panel, click on the wine glass
Go to the "drives tab"..add..browse to your files.
7) Install Albumplayer....voila