Aion Tips

Tips and tricks


 1. well most errors are due to the security settings

On linux as root add lines to /etc/security/limits.conf: 
yourusername soft nofile 9000 
yourusername hard nofile 10000 
And replace yourusername with your user. 
Save and Reboot

On Mac OS X write into terminal: 
sudo pico /etc/launchd.conf 
and add there a line: 
limit maxfiles 8192 
Save files and reboot to make changes go in effects. Confirm if it works by writing into terminal : 
ulimit -n

2. make sure you are using win2000 bottle.

3. make sure you have crossover html engine, microsoft directx runtime - modern installed.

4. install nproject gameguard personal 2007 from


        Black screen - Dont force anti-aliasing in your driver settings, this messes with wine directx.
       [b]Bad screensize[/b] This can be caused if you have more than 1 monitor on your xdisplay.
        Run in windowed mode by disabling the other monitors the first time you run aion and set the game to windowed mode, then turn the monitors back on in your driver config.

        Opengl - To get aion to use the opengl graphics you need to make a txt doc in your aion folder called system.ovr, open the system.ovr and add 
        con_disable_console = "0"

Need an exe - go to /aion/bin32/aion.bin copy to same dir and rename it to aion.exe


use the cxgames run application tool to go to where you put the aion directory

'/home/user/Public/NCSoft/Aion/bin32/aion.exe' '-ip:'

For me it looks like this.

To connect to the game server you need to add -ip: US or -ip: EU

Use the make shortcut function so you only need to do it once


 This is an easy "hack" in wine, i still dont know how to compile wine in crossover.
       If you know how to compile cxgames from source this is easy.
       you need to edit source/wine/dlls/winex11.drv/mouse.c

Then go to the clipcursor like displayed below and replace it with the below.

 * ClipCursor (X11DRV.@)
 * Set the cursor clipping rectangle.
BOOL X11DRV_ClipCursor( LPCRECT clip )
    if (!IntersectRect( &cursor_clip, &virtual_screen_rect, clip ))
        cursor_clip = virtual_screen_rect;
queue_raw_mouse_message( WM_MOUSEMOVE, NULL, x, y, 0, GetCurrentTime(), 0, 0 );
    return TRUE;

This is a mouse hack and therefore winehq and codeweavers wont put it into there source files.

However i have heard that there is another way to fix this, but its even harder. something about modifying the dinput mousewrapper.

by dablackfox on 2010-06-11 19:29:18
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