Early Xpadder versions are available for free download -- the current Xpadder version is 5.6
and has features not available in the older free releases. The current version you have to
buy (it's cheap), so if you find this software useful, consider buying the latest release (you
get future upgrades/releases in the purchase cost).
That said, the older versions work just fine with COG/linux and I really couldn't fault it's
performance at all. This is a sometimes useful tool to have around, if your game title has
issues with mouse input, but will accept joystick/gamepad input instead -- the rest of the time,
it's handy if you just want to use a gamepad to play a game, that only understands keyboard/mouse input.
The 5.2 version does not come with an installer - you download a zip file that contains
the Xpadder.exe file, and manually copy the executable somewhere into your bottle.
There is more than one way to install this wrt CXG and bottles - I'll do a tip&trick soon to
explain the various routes one might take...