I have a very good video card on my PC atm nVidia 4GB GT 1050Ti and the performance via Crossover on my Arch Installation of WoW is awful.
I find this really striking as on Ubuntu I would get pretty nice FPS on my old videocard that was only 1GB.
I have been trying to find ways to amend the Crossover installation but no luck.
I am pretty sure my nVidia drivers are working fine.
I have been playing with wine, using my installation and I am getting better performance via:
sudo __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 wine .cxoffice/World_of_Warcraft-2/dosdevices/c:/'Program Files'/'World of Warcraft'/'Wow-64.exe' -opengl
is there any way to add the above openGL optimization line to my crossover installation?