The installer for the World of Warcraft mists of pandaria beta doesn't work. Tried using the World of Wacraft and Starcraft bottles. The initialization of the installer fails to start some agent.
There is a page for the error.
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The installer for the World of Warcraft mists of pandaria beta doesn't work. Tried using the World of Wacraft and Starcraft bottles. The initialization of the installer fails to start some agent.
There is a page for the error.
did you get into the beta or are you getting the installer from elsewhere?
have you tried installing it in windows or virtaulbox then copying it to your linux machine?
also are you using a new bottle for the install?
I actually have the beta. I downloaded the installer from Battle.Net
I have not yet tried copying the working full directory on windows to linux and seeing if it can work that way. I will do that test next.
Both Bottles I tried were new.
I found that installing it in windows then copying it to a fresh wow bottle worked quite well. The only problem is the beta crashes regularily.
i have the game downloaded installed and playing. i had to use wine 1.5 with the diablo installer patch to get it to run. but now that its running. i can play with all settings set to max even the water and sunshafts.
When water sunshafts and SSAO are set to max black artifacts apear. im working to remove them now.
my specs are.
intel I5 2500k 4.0ghz oc
8g 1600mhz ram
2xnvidia geforce gtx 560 ti oc sli=afrofaa
according to the guys over at winehq you can run it without the patch.
You have to start Blizzard agent manually
Data/ --nohttpauth) before
starting installation (wine "World of Warcraft Beta Setup.exe").
found a fix for the black holes aka artifacts. meaning... wow is now perfect on linux
wine reg add "HKCU\Software\Wine\Direct3D" /v AlwaysOffscreen /d enabled
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