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Launcher problem!

Hi everyone!

I decided to test Crossover Games and choosed WoW as my first test. I install it from the web and its fine until the launcher wants to update wow, then its stops with the error message:

"Launcher couldn't be executed for some reason. Please close all applications and try again."

What am I doing wrong?

Please help

Hi johnsoon, how are you? I searched about your problem
and looks like your disk is full or you dont have permissions to write on the temporary folders crossover is trying to write
(generally c:\windows\temp or similar). I found those on the Blizzard official forums, you can check them here:

If it is the latter, it may be due to SELinux. Are you getting any AVC denials? If so you can set the SELinux context with secon.

Romulo wrote:

Hi johnsoon, how are you? I searched about your problem
and looks like your disk is full or you dont have permissions to
write on the temporary folders crossover is trying to write
(generally c:\windows\temp or similar). I found those on the
Blizzard official forums, you can check them here:

Thanks for the reply. Im gonna check this out and report back on how it went.

vwbusguy wrote:

If it is the latter, it may be due to SELinux. Are you getting any
AVC denials? If so you can set the SELinux context with secon.

Im running Arch Linux so I dont have any SELinux. Embarrising to say but I dont know what AVC denials is or what it means :S

Romulo wrote:

Hi johnsoon, how are you? I searched about your problem
and looks like your disk is full or you dont have permissions to
write on the temporary folders crossover is trying to write
(generally c:\windows\temp or similar). I found those on the
Blizzard official forums, you can check them here:

Checked the site and about the temp directory that is mentioned I did and chown and chmod full access on both cxgames and .cxgames in my home directory but nothing helps :(

Its extremelly not suggested to run things as root but you could try it with sudo to see if it goes.
I really (and nobody else thats sane) dont recommend running anything as root but this could make things clear =]

Romulo wrote:

Its extremelly not suggested to run things as root but you could try
it with sudo to see if it goes.
I really (and nobody else thats sane) dont recommend running
anything as root but this could make things clear =]

As im not familiar with sudo I dont know if I did right. However I installed sudo as the arch linux wiki told me.
Then checked the command to execute the wow application that is in my start menu so I came up with this to try:

sudo /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW/desktopdata/cxmenu/StartMenu.C^5E3A^5Fusers^5FPublic^5FStart^2BMenu/Programs/World+of+Warcraft/World+of+Warcraft

And that gave me:

wine: /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW is not owned by you

Or is there another way I should use sudo?

Curious....can you paste the output of the following commands here;

ls -l ~/.cxgames/

ls -l ~/cxgames/

It looks like a permissions issue, but the two commands above will help
draw a better picture here....

navigate to your folder in console (i suppose its /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW)

cd /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW

then you do:

sudo /opt/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl

(or try variations of the executable name).

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

Curious....can you paste the output of the following commands here;

ls -l ~/.cxgames/

ls -l ~/cxgames/

It looks like a permissions issue, but the two commands above will
draw a better picture here....

[johan@Arch_Linux /]$ ls -l ~/.cxgames/
totalt 92
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 26 okt 01.15 Unsupported
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 26 okt 01.24 WoW
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 156 25 okt 16.27 cxgames.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 104 25 okt 12.14 cxgames.conf.20091025T162759.bak
lrwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 7 25 okt 12.14 default -> win2000
drwxrwxrwx 3 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 desktopdata
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 25 okt 12.14 installers
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 62848 26 okt 01.24 usage.log
[johan@Arch_Linux /]$

[johan@Arch_Linux /]$ ls -l ~/cxgames/
totalt 112
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 3755 25 okt 10.48 README
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 26 okt 00.19 bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 46116 25 okt 10.48 changelog.txt
drwxrwxrwx 5 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 doc
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.49 etc
drwxrwxrwx 5 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 lib
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 39041 25 okt 10.48 license.txt
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 share
[johan@Arch_Linux /]$

Romulo wrote:

navigate to your folder in console (i suppose its

cd /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW

then you do:

sudo /opt/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl

(or try variations of the executable name).

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ sudo /opt/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl
sudo: /opt/cxgames/bin/wine: command not found

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ sudo /opt/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl
sudo: /opt/bin/wine: command not found

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ sudo /opt/wine/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl
wine: /home/johan/.wine is not owned by you

sudo /home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=winxp wow.exe -opengl
Fatal Error
bottle 'winxp' not found in '/home/johan/.cxgames'
bottle 'winxp' not found in '/home/johan/.cxgames/support'

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ sudo /home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=WoW wow.exe -opengl
wine: /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW is not owned by you

johnsson_x wrote:

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

Curious....can you paste the output of the following
commands here;

ls -l ~/.cxgames/

ls -l ~/cxgames/

It looks like a permissions issue, but the two commands above will
draw a better picture here....

[johan@Arch_Linux /]$ ls -l ~/.cxgames/
totalt 92
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 26 okt 01.15 Unsupported
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 26 okt 01.24 WoW
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 156 25 okt 16.27 cxgames.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 104 25 okt 12.14
lrwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 7 25 okt 12.14 default -> win2000
drwxrwxrwx 3 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 desktopdata
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 25 okt 12.14 installers
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 62848 26 okt 01.24 usage.log
[johan@Arch_Linux /]$

[johan@Arch_Linux /]$ ls -l ~/cxgames/
totalt 112
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 3755 25 okt 10.48 README
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 26 okt 00.19 bin
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 46116 25 okt 10.48 changelog.txt
drwxrwxrwx 5 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 doc
drwxrwxrwx 2 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.49 etc
drwxrwxrwx 5 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 lib
-rwxrwxrwx 1 johan users 39041 25 okt 10.48 license.txt
drwxrwxrwx 6 johan users 4096 25 okt 10.48 share
[johan@Arch_Linux /]$

Okay, all look correct....Romulo will keep helping
you out here by the looks of it ;)...

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ sudo /home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=WoW wow.exe -opengl
wine: /home/johan/.cxgames/WoW is not owned by you

Do you get the same error without using sudo?;

/home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=WoW wow.exe -opengl

I have problem with another app that I cant get to work properly because I think there is an problem with my user and PolicyKit.
Does PolicyKit have anything to do with cxgames? Just a thought.

johnsson_x wrote:

I have problem with another app that I cant get to work properly
because I think there is an problem with my user and PolicyKit.
Does PolicyKit have anything to do with cxgames? Just a thought.

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ /home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=WoW wow.exe -opengl
winewrapper.exe:error: cannot execute L"wow.exe -opengl"

[johan@Arch_Linux WoW]$ /home/johan/cxgames/bin/wine --bottle=WoW wow.exe
winewrapper.exe:error: cannot execute L"wow.exe"

PolicyKit applies system wide, so could impact on how
cxgames is handling things...

Anyone knows anything about PolicyKit and how to troubleshoot or configure it cuz I dont :(

Could you tell me what version of Arch you are using, and if it's 32 or 64bit?

I don't use policy kit myself....if I did, I'd expect to find the config at;


...however, I doubt it's the cause of what you're seeing.

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

Could you tell me what version of Arch you are using, and if it's 32
or 64bit?

I don't use policy kit myself....if I did, I'd expect to find the
config at;


...however, I doubt it's the cause of what you're seeing.

Im using Arch 64 and I do have an /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf and it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -- XML -- -->

<!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 1.0//EN"

<!-- See the manual page PolicyKit.conf(5) for file format -->

<config version="0.1">

Well all this about PolicyKit was just a thought. Does cxgames support the 64 bits systems?


Well all this about PolicyKit was just a thought. Does cxgames support the 64 bits systems?

Just to clarify, I couldn't dismiss polkit outright, because I could think of
cases where the filesystem might be under control of HAL (netmount,removeable)
...and there are threads 'out there' which say this can cause issues ; my best
guess however is your home directory is on the local disk and polkit is innocent...

Yes, cxgames runs on 64bit systems, via 32bit compatibility libs (typically as
provided by the linux distro vendor's package-management system of choice). In
relation to Arch, I found the following posting on the ArchWiki;

Although that info is now a little old, the basic procedure remains the;
install the linux32 package and lib32- packages (there may* be more lib32- packages
available now, since that posting is so old), and then by the looks of it, you invoke
the linux32 wrapper to call the actual crossover binary (and wine as well).

I don't know if this will work in Arch linux....but one known 'trick' to ease the
pain here with Debian and other linux 64bits distros, is to use your package manager
to install Wine (stable) -- on a 64bit system, the package manager usually pulls in
and installs the necessary 32bit libs as being dependencies needed for Wine, and then
install/run cxgames ....(most windows games/apps are 32bit, so we ride in that domain)

Sometime this week I'll have to grab Arch 64 and install it here to see what gives -
what you describe looks all the world like a permissions issue somewhere...but then,
if you still have to use the linux32 wrapper and don't, weird stuff like this may
manifest itself. The only other thing I can think of (and then =after= you've made
sure you've got the lib32-* packs in place and whether or not Arch 64 still requires
the linux32 wrapper to be used), I would try a system-wide installation in /opt
(instead of the install in your homedir option) if this problem persists...

Do post back - if this is an issue with cxgames & Arch 64 linux, then we should try
to resolve it so an entry can be made in the crossover support wiki.


Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:


Well all this about PolicyKit was just a thought. Does cxgames
support the 64 bits systems?

Just to clarify, I couldn't dismiss polkit outright, because I could
think of
cases where the filesystem might be under control of HAL
...and there are threads 'out there' which say this can cause issues
; my best
guess however is your home directory is on the local disk and polkit
is innocent...

Yes, cxgames runs on 64bit systems, via 32bit compatibility libs
(typically as
provided by the linux distro vendor's package-management system of
choice). In
relation to Arch, I found the following posting on the ArchWiki;

Although that info is now a little old, the basic procedure remains
install the linux32 package and lib32- packages (there may* be
more lib32- packages
available now, since that posting is so old), and then by the looks
of it, you invoke
the linux32 wrapper to call the actual crossover binary (and wine as

I don't know if this will work in Arch linux....but one known
'trick' to ease the
pain here with Debian and other linux 64bits distros, is to use your
package manager
to install Wine (stable) -- on a 64bit system, the package manager
usually pulls in
and installs the necessary 32bit libs as being dependencies needed
for Wine, and then
install/run cxgames ....(most windows games/apps are 32bit, so we
ride in that domain)

Sometime this week I'll have to grab Arch 64 and install it here to
see what gives -
what you describe looks all the world like a permissions issue
somewhere...but then,
if you still have to use the linux32 wrapper and don't, weird stuff
like this may
manifest itself. The only other thing I can think of (and then
=after= you've made
sure you've got the lib32-* packs in place and whether or not Arch
64 still requires
the linux32 wrapper to be used), I would try a system-wide
installation in /opt
(instead of the install in your homedir option) if this problem

Do post back - if this is an issue with cxgames & Arch 64 linux,
then we should try
to resolve it so an entry can be made in the crossover support wiki.


Well first, godmorning! Was really up late and only sleeped 5 hour but a good cup of coffee is all I need :)

I have now checked with the lib32's and I have installed every single one of them that I cant find anymore to install.

I did an test last night and installed wow just through ordinary wine and it worked flawlessly, was some crashes with the launcher but I just started wow.exe and logged in and the update went well that way. Got it up running with sound and direct3d. I just wonder why cxgames wont fix it? But it is probably a permission issue as you say Don.

Ive now decided to reinstall cxgames but in the /opt/cxgames instead as the installer has as an alternativ if I start it as root. So now im in middle of a new wow installation again.

I guess that if I reinstall to Arch 32 bit everything will surely work flawlessly but that seems a little bit of hardware waste when I got 64-bit processor and 8 gigs of ram.

I will report back on how the new installation went, Thanks alot so far for the help and thoughts! Seems like an really nice community!

Hi Johnsson, good morning =]

Im using ubuntu 64 bits and cxgames works flawless here. I dont think its a problem with 64 bit distributions =]
Maybe its an arch issue but if you have an extra partition i would suggest you to try out ubuntu. If you have more tests and no good results, let us know again so we can help you. Cheers.

I ahve now installed cxgames in /opt and got wow installed to and its the same problem. Launcher couldn't be executed for some reason.

I tested one thing, went into cxgames/configuration and then control panel and ran wow.exe with the run command and got into the game. logged in and it prompts for patching, I click restart and the error message comes up. I then went to the run command again and ran WoW-3.2.0-enGB-downloader.exe cuz thats the first patch and it seems cxgames dont have any problem in running wow itself, just the launcher and the blizzard downloaders.

I Cant answer on that because i really just copied my wow copy from windows. What i can do now is clone my wow installation and download the beta patch, so i can see if cxgames is really patching anything. Other than that i will try to seek more answers to your problem =]

I managed to get wow to work. I tried to run the updaters with the regular wine and then it worked to update so now it runs!
Don't know why cxgames couldnt upgrade, maybe something with the wine version cxgames is using and the latest wow launcher.
But wine 1.1.32-1 could handle it. Guess this is the end of the road. You guys have being very helpfull here, many thanks for that!

johnsson, thanks for testing up! Im glad you got it to work with a little headache (sorry about that!).
I will investigate the patch problem further with the team, hope to have a feedback soon =]

I had the exact same problem with WoW on Wine in Arch Linux x86_64 using lib32 compatibility. The game itself (WoW.exe) runs fine but that's not much help because it needs to run Launcher.exe to update itself before it will let you play.

For me it was caused by parts of Wine linked against an old version of To find out if this is your problem you need to start it in a terminal and look at the output. Mine says:

$ wine "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe"
err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {9edde9e7-8dee-47ea-99df-e6faf2ed44bf} of class {9456a480-e88b-43ea-9e73-0b2d9b71b1ca}, hres is 0x80004005
err:ole:OleLoadPicture IPersistStream_Load failed

It's missing

Check the version of installed:

$ ls -l /opt/lib32/usr/lib/*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     16 Mar  2 14:21 /opt/lib32/usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     16 Mar  2 14:21 /opt/lib32/usr/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 231570 Mar  2 14:21 /opt/lib32/usr/lib/

If you have a mismatch downloading the patches from patch mirrors and manually trying to run them doesn't work either, they just display an empty frame. If you run patch from a terminal you can see that the problem is the same, a missing version 6 of "" is version 6 apparently. I don't know why it's not called libjpeg.6.2.

The easiest way to fix this problem is to install lib32-libjpeg6, with yaourt do

yaourt -S lib32-libjpeg6

and it should fix the problem.

If you don't have Arch, then you just get version 6/62 of the 32 bit libjpeg. If you can't be bothered going and finding the packaged version for your distro you can use the package file from the link above. Gunzip and untar it (arch packages are standard compressed tarfiles that include a manifest and some script files) and copy all the usr/lib/libjpeg* to wherever your 32 bit libraries go (/opt/lib32/usr/lib in Arch, for example).

$ wget
$ tar zxpf libjpeg-6b-6-i686.pkg.tar.gz
$ su
# cp usr/lib/libjpeg* /opt/lib32/usr/lib
# ldconfig

I'm not sure if ldconfig does anything to 32 bit libraries, but it won't hurt either. In any case the needed symbolic links are already installed.

As mentioned in the Arch forums this problem can be caused by using an old version of Wine and can be fixed by using a different version. My version is lib32-wine-suse. I needed some features from this build so it was easier just to install the old library instead of doing a full wine recompile enabling the options I needed.

Also the lib32-libjpeg6 package is a dependancy of lib32-teamspeak2 (TeamSpeak 2) and lib32-fcc (FirstClass Client Groupware Client) so 32 bit Linux programs can be affected as well.

Add to pacman.conf (/etc/pacman.conf) while root using gedit or another editor of your choice


So it looks like this:

Warning !!! you pacman.conf file might be diferent this is an example of what to do on a clean pacman.conf file !!!

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

As root run:

pacman -Syy

pacman -S libjpeg6

Thats all, that should do the trick

Having exactly the same issue.

Launcher fails, can run wow.exe direct, but patcher doesn't work.

Using Mandriva 2010 Spring DVD version.

Will report back on my efforts.


Tony Brown wrote:

Having exactly the same issue.

Launcher fails, can run wow.exe direct, but patcher doesn't work.

Using Mandriva 2010 Spring DVD version.

Will report back on my efforts.


I fixed this problem on Mandriva 2010.1 by using the jpeg libraries from the 2009.1 Mandriva release.
I installed it from here -
This is version 6.2 of the jpeg libraries that wine requires to run the launcher which was the same fix for Arch Linux.

We've been tracking this bug (or a similar one) for quite some time. It turns out to be very hard to fix. The good news is that there's a fairly straightforward workaround, which is to try it again. Each run will get you a bit further down the patching process, so if you just quit and re-run WoW a handful of times you should be able to get your patches up-to-date.

In the meantime, feel free to submit a support ticket about the problem... that will get you on a list of people who will be notified if and when we have a real fix for it.


I can confirm that installing the above pacman repo and then installing libjpeg6 on Arch does the trick.

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