Running this on an Asus Sabertooth 990 FX with an AMD 8350 8 core 4 GHz processor. It was good but not great until I turned off Disable Performance Enhanced Graphics in the WoT bottle manager. I went from around 30 fps on medium graphics settings in WoT to 90+ fps on medium graphics settings. I then started cranking up the graphics settings from medium to high to maximum. Now on all settings set as high as they go, 1920x1080 full screen, I get between 40 and 60+ fps. It all works great, smooth, beautiful. I had originally installed WoT by launching the installer from Crossover (version before 13.1.0 whatever that was but I tried some other versions chasing down a motherboard/SuSe issue that had nothing to do with Crossover and they all worked fine). In rebuilding SuSe (that sound problem) I downloaded the full WoT archive from their website and that all installed fine too. Everything is working fine for me with WoT, Crossover, SuSe and working great. Highly recommended!