Hi One and All,
I haven't been to the forum for quite a while, I think about a year or so. But it was well worth the wait.
I was now able to install Wordperfect X3 (and ONLY WP, not the whole office 'suite') in an XP bottle. This is new, since under Crossover 8.x.x, WP had to be installed in a Win98 bottle.
Beware, though, that in order to get WP to run you must take TWO precautions:
(1) Install Internet Explorer 7 (yes, seven, not six, not eight) into the same bottle as WP. I was installing it after having installed WP, but I think that the order of installation is not critical.
(2) After WP starts for the first time, do NOT (repeat NOT) open a file, because the 'extended' open dialog will crash WP. Instead, go to Tools, Setup, Files (sorry, I dont remember the exact wording) and SWITCH OFF EXTENDED FILE DIALOGS. Now that you have done this once, you're safe. You will not have to repeat this step in the future.
Be also a little patient every time you launch WP. It takes a while (about 25 seconds on my February 2009 Macbook).