Hi Carson. It does happen when I play the game, too. My current version is CxG7.2.2 but I was able to test the game too using 8.1.4. Sometimes I can see the buttons, too but most of the time, they are invisible. I just try to mouseover at the bottom of the game screen and hope that I press the correct button (I sort-of memorized the placing of the buttons at the bottom of the screen when I played before).
When mousing-over, try to turn up the volume and you will hear a sort-of mouseover-sound-button in-game. This is what I did when trying to "see" where the buttons are. It is a bit pain though, that's why I stopped playing the game with CxG (along with other problems when you are able to login the game, including but not limited to missing text details and blackened chat in-game).