WinUAE (2.0.6) has slipped slightly with the new CXG-9.0 release. The new version of winUAE
(2100) is no better. My 'standard' configuration (which is my control test) was running like
mud initially -- stuttering sound, jerky graphics...not much fun. The fix for this problem (if
you already have a pre-existing winUAE bottle) is to reinstall the directx runtime - modern
package into the bottle, it will start to run a little better then, but the graphics are a
bit off (moved to the right), winUAE control overlay handling is very strange, and it's
grown the extra mouse-pointer funky as well (mouse pointer stuck mid window) -- I'll add this
app to my current ticket on mouse-pointer business.
Back to bronze for this one right now -- will recheck in the very near future (next release
of CXG)...