Thanks for the quick response. I do not know how that got unchecked.
I am actually running Cloanto's Amiga Forever product. However, as
near as I can tell, it adds a menu on top of WinUAE to make it
easier to just play the games. From the CD, it's running WinUAE I am running CrossOver XI. In CrossOver Games 10, Amiga
Forever would fail badly if you ran the game in fullscreen mode.
CrossOver XI has no problems doing that.
I am having problems installing Amiga Forever since the msi file
gives a weird error. I have downloaded a utility to convert the msi
file to an exe file to see if that works better. Right now, I have
to use the option to play the games directly from the DVD. However,
not surprisingly, the games load much slower from the DVD and I
cannot save a high score.
As soon as I can get the program to install to my hard disk, I think
I will be very happy with it. When I can get it installed on my
iMac's hard drive, I would be happy to add a medal rating.
Bob C don't actually need the installer as such, you can just
copy the files from the CD into a directory, and change the amigaOS
assigns in 'startup-sequence', and I think there's a couple of things
to change in 'user-startup' as well ; you set this directory up as
hdrive image/mount-point in winuae config, and boot from that directory
as it were -- if I can lay my hands on my Cloanto disk (lost here
somewhere), I could give you a blow by blow...but if you know amigaOS
just look at the startup scripts on the CD, and change them to suit...
...thanks also for (coincidentally) reminding me to look at this again.
It's been broken in linux for some time, but I was able to get it to
run in cx11 just now, and it's running better than it was..