I found this useful thread:
(2nd answer down, when I looked at it.)
Here are the important parts:
- Download the WMP11 XP installer from here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=8163 (You will need to pass WGA to get it.)
- Create a new bottle.
- Set the windows version of the bottle to "Windows 2003"
- Launch the installer. It should ask to Validate. Click the "Validate" button and STOP! DO NOT ACCEPT THE EULA YET!
- Set the windows version of the bottle to "Windows XP".
- Accept the EULA. The WMP11 installer should now proceed. Supposedly it may hang and you just have to re-do this process, but it went all the way through the first time for me.
- Supposedly it will also always say the install failed at the end of the installation, although it has not actually failed.
- Run "wmplayer.exe". I tried using "Custom Settings", but this killed it. Using "Recommended Settings" seemed to work.
- Supposedly set your windows version to "Windows 7" and WMP11 should work OK-ish now. I never made it to this point - it crashes immediately on launch now.