Getting Wildstar to run with Wineskin Winery 1.7 and the WS9Wine1.7.18 relatively easily with ie8 and winhttp via winetricks, I immediately encountered performance issues. You can view FPS with ALT-F1. Character selection was display 7-8 fps and when it got into the game, I was encountering 1-3fps. Being completely new to wine, I spent literally hours trying to install various things via winetricks, never thinking to try an older version of wine.
I switched to 1.7.5, I was very happy to find the character selection screen getting 25-32 fps!!!! My elation didn't last long though. The game UI take a surprisingly long time to render, 30-45s before all of the elements appear. Once things stabilize I get 8 to 14 fps, but any movement drops the speed into the 1-5 fps range.
Once I got Crossover to work, I'm essentially seeing the same frame rates as 1.7.5.
This is with default Wildstar settings, which resembles the Low preset. You can make it worse by raising the resolution or preset, but switching to Ultra Low or lowering the resolution doesn't help. I'm running Crossover 13.1.3 on a first gen retina Macbook Pro Pro 15" with 8GB of ram running 10.9.3.
Interestingly, the one thing that appears to slightly improve performance is to switch from Discrete graphics to Integrated only. I initially found this on the Wine side and that leads me to believe this is a driver problem.