I've been using Wenlin on Linux for quite a while. I started using it with plain Wine, but I have had trouble using the brush tool with recent versions of Wine. CrossOver Office 3.0 came out so I decided to try it. Wenlin works much better now.
I listed three problems. The only one that I consider serious is the one where the transformation names don't show up. I don't use the transformations that much right now, but if I wanted to I'd be out of luck. The transformation names do show up with earlier versions of Wenlin, so I'd have to remove and reinstall it to get that feature.
One other thing I wish I could do is copy and paste Chinese between Wenlin and Linux applications. I can do this with the English but not the Chinese. This is a problem with how I have Linux set up rather than one with either COO or Wenlin. I can't copy and paste Chinese between pure Linux applications either.