Good news!
Watchtower Library 2007 works with the upcoming CrossOver version 7! It's a good reason to maintain your subscription. The new version will be based on Wine 0.9.53 or above. So resolves the issues with 6.2.1 and Watchtower Library 2007.
Follow the five steps below.
1. Create a new XP bottle.
2. Install Watchtower Library 2007. The installer runs without problems.
3. Copy a native comctl32.dll from your Windows installation to windows/system32. Overwrite the default built-in version created within your new bottle.
Try version; you'll find it in your Windows subdirectory under WinSxS. Look under WINDOWS/WinSxS/x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.0.0_x-ww_1382d70a
and copy the comctl32.dll file that you find here to windows/system32 within the new bottle. Of course, you need a valid Windows license for this step. Caesar's things to Caesar!
4. Delete the "dead beef" manifest. It lives under windows/winsxs/manifests. Look for a file named
and delete. If you don't delete (or rename) this, the native comctl32.dll does not load.
5. Override comctl32 using winecfg.
Go to CrossOver's Configure menu. Select Manage Bottles. Click the Control Panel tab. Launch winecfg.
Add an application. Select WTLibrary.exe then (while WTLibrary.exe is selected!) switch to Libraries. Add an override for comctl32. Choose "native, builtin". Click OK once added.
Now you can run the library.
What works?
Almost everything: tooltips, properties, audio. You can mark favourites; they appear although they do not work when you double-click them from Finder. They only work by selecting from the Favorites menu.
What doesn't work?
Maps. Go to Brochures, go to "Good Land." You can read the text, but click on any map icon and the application crashes.
I've tested it on Intel Mac, Leopard 10.5, using CrossOver Mac version 7cvs (080114).
The application is not entirely stable. Not uncommonly, the application fails to start. Once started though, it appears to run without problems, provided of course you don't click on maps. Rebooting the bottle helps. I'm currently working on the stability issue.