Is it possible to add shortcut commands to Windows applications running in CrossOver, as one can within Windows itself? I.e., adding "-nomovies -dev" to the W40K.exe?
I merely ask because one of my favorite Dawn of War mods relies on the "-dev" being added to the shorcut in order to function. (The mod in question is the In-Game Gamespeed Controller Script, which I know from past experience works with all four of the original Dawn of War games and not just Soulstorm. The mod can be downloaded over at the FileFront site)
I understand that CrossOver cannot duplicate all the functionality of an application within an actual Windows environment, and suspect this is one of those instances.
Needless to say, though, I'm new to CrossOver, and absolutely tickled pink to be able to again play some of my favorite Windows game from within Mac OS X! (Some serious bugs in the current version of Boot Camp prevent me from installing Windows on my new iMac, so until they're resolved, CrossOver is my best alternative. Besides, I'm able to get more done when I don't have to boot up in Windows -- since rebooting is such a hassle, once I've booted into Windows I'm there for the rest of the day!)