OK, I'm running a three day winterim course at the school where I teach. I'm doing an RTS clinic. Most of the folks who signed up have PC's at home, but my lab is a Mac Lab. I'm considering using DoW Gold edition because I was able to get it up and going pretty easily in CoG.
I will have 16 copies of this game to install. They will all be legal copies. We will use them to play LAN matches.
Could I, in theory, export one bottle that I have working. Import it on the other 15 computers and then run regedit on them and change the CD keys? That seems like it would be a lot less time consuming than installing, patching, and then double checking the CD key. All of the Macs are identical in hardware.
Does this sound like a viable plan?
I haven't bought the copies yet, still looking at Supreme Commander as well.
Insight appreciated.