Hi I've tried all these and still can't get this damn thing running.
I've managed to get the DoW game installed from the Anthology using the folder method described above with a Win2000 bottle. After installing the game shows a 'no disc' message. Fair enough, so I've tried the patches...for days...and tried and tried and just end up in tears!
According to the install I have the English version so....
I've installed as recommended in the Hints & Tips and added the patches through CrossOver > File > Open >
I run patch 101 and nothing happens (I can only find one type of 101 file and not sure if there's an English and International)
Run patch 110-English and am told it's not compatible with my language version (?)
I get told the same thing if I try the international 110 patch on a different bottle, how does that work then?
I'm running CrossOver 7.0 with the DoW Anthology (English?) on a MacBook Pro 2.5Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo OSX 10.5.3, even tried it through XP on Parallels but still get shot down at the patching stage.
Can someone please give me a hand before I start asking CrossOver for a refund that's not their fault?