Good news:
HTML help could be used, if IE 6.0 installed in CX system.
VFP 8.0 is running much more stable as before. Actually no issue discovered.
Bad News:
Installer still does not works. You have to copy whole VFP directory by your self.
Still no color picker in Properties dialog. You have to give colors like RGB(XX.XX.XX).
I got new AMD64 machine on which I installed MDK 10.1 AMD64 edition.
There was cx 3.0.1 demo included.
I have installed IE 6.0 on it, office and I did try to install VFP 8.0 on it.
Installation failed, but I copied VFP8.0 directory directly in Program Files of Fake_window directory.
I created a link on desktop and do run VFP enviroment with
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --winver nt40 --workdir "C://Program Files//Microsoft Visual Studio//Vfp8" --check --cx-app "C://Program Files//Microsoft Visual Studio//Vfp8//VFP8.EXE"
I created a links for MS htlm system:
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine hh.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\vfp8\dv_foxhelp.chm"
by which iI do run MS html help system for foxpro.
Except color picker, which does not work, whole system runs quite good and stable.