If did run VFP unde wine last time two months ago.
I got few issues.
- Problem with splash screen. If you do not bypas the splash screen on startup, then command window does not get focus. You have to start VFP with -t, then no problem.
- Problem with Wait messages window. (Patch exist)
- Problems with tooltip window wittch does not show whole text.
- Font and Color selection dialogs do not work
- Very slow by printing. Takes quite long to print form in Wine..
- Installer does not work. You have to copy VFP directly, withou installation.
- OCX do not work in foxpro. We do not use many, but still it is not nice.
- Cursor does not change its color when moved on textbox with black background - so you can not see it, which is bad..
Except this, it seems to work quite nicely. Please seek http://www.openfox.org/