To fully enable fullscreen version of uplink (for me resolution 1440x900) do this:
DISABLE Virtual desktop (more in tips and tricks but un-tick)
Run regedit in bottle where uplink is installed:
Fire up menu Programs->Run command... where you have to select the bottle with Uplink and into command write regedit.
In the regedit go to key HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->Wine->AppDefaults and create new key "uplink.exe" without quotation marks. There you have to create new key under uplink.exe which is called "X11 Driver" without quotation marks and in the X11 Driver you have to right click the right part of the screen and selected New->String value
Into the Name you have to write "UseXRandR" without quotation marks and then double-click it and enter "Y" for value without quotation marks.
And that's it, uplink is working fully in fullscreen 1440x900 without annoying menu in the upper screen and mouse pointer is clicking correctly where it is on the screen.
Hope it will help you.