UltraRecall Pro 6.2 PIM as of August 6, 2021
My notes on Installation and running of Ultra Recall using Crossover
TESTING shows Ultra Recall is NOT 100% but seems to be usable.
TESTING is NOT complete
Notes have been updated to reflect use of Crossover 21RC in Testing
Ultra Recall Pro 32 bit version now runs +90% under Crossover 21, “with tweaks.”
Ultra Recall Pro 64 bit does NOT run with any version of Crossover or tweaks
Installing 32 bit version
Install will fail if you allow UltraRecall to execute on completion of its portion of the install,
The Crossover portion of the installation will not complete.
ie., the Crossover install screen looks like it is still trying to install the UltraRecall software.
UNCHECK the box to run UltraRecall on completion..
THEN click FINISH in the UR window, and wait for crossover to complete
When installing UltraRecall Portable version it will start automatically...
STOP UR and wait for crossover to complete
AGAIN,,,, If allow Ultra Recall run on install, Crossover will not finish !!
Now my saga with getting UltraRecall 32bit to work…
Windows 10 bottle 32 bit
Installed Apps
Crossover HTML Engine
Microsoft Rich Edit 2.0
Microsoft Rich Edit 4.1
Ultra Recall Professional 6.2 32 bit
Wine Mono Windows Support
Installed Ultra Recall 32 bit
Manually started the UR program
------ TESTING STARTED ------
Make changes to FONT styles and size so I could read things
TESTED most items in the OPTIONS menu without problems
Data Explorer Pane
From the Data Explorer pane (left window)
Changed PARENT name of FOLDERS
Insert CHILD folders
New Text add text to the new text folder created
New Task add and change information in task folder
New Search successful search for the “added text” in folders
New Project add and change information for a project
New Contact add and change information on Contact page
New Appoint add and change information on Appointment page
New FOLDER add child folders, add and change information in folders
Notes Folder add an change information
ie., Created, Deleted, Displayed and played with information in all folders
Clean up before continuing testing ..
“SAVE” all changes made to the in use database
“SAVE AS” to create a DB with a new name
EXIT Ultra Recall
Restart Ultra Recall
OPEN with the database created using SAVE AS, and then exercise the DB..
and all other folders I used in testing
EMPTY Recycle bin
ADD, DELETE, MOVE, RENAME, folders and files in copied FOLDERS
MOVE Folders using Ctrl/Shift and up/down arrows
RENAME does NOT work correctly, but it works
Now requires you to right click on the folder and select RENAME.
The folder name gets highlighted,
Left click the folder name ,
Manually make changes
Triple left click the folder name and
Make manual changes
SELECTING AN ENTRY in the Data Explorer window
Can NOT select an entry in the Data Explorer window IF the Folder or File name is physically wider than the current Data Explorer window width.
Drag the Data Explorer window wider so the File or Folder name is now within the Data Explorer window boundary, and the file or folder can now be selected
IMAGE Functions
Add child folders “ADD images”
Add child folders “ADD images/PNG”
Add child folders “ADD images/JPG”
Drag&Drop image files into each folder respectively
Import image files into each folder respectively
Double click opens the file
VIDEO Functions
Add child folder “ Video”
Add child folder “Video/MP4”
Drag&Drop MP4 files into the folder
Import video files into folder
PLAY MP4 video directly from folder
Double click opens the file
ZIP Functions
Add child folder “Zip”
Add child folder “Zip/zip”
Drag&Drop ZIP files into the folder
Import video files into folder
VIEW Zip file with “Open Document”
Double click did NOT open the file correctly
The file window was displayed, but empty
XML Functions
Add child folder “xml”
Add child folder “xml/xml”
Drag&Drop XML files into the folder
VIEW XML file does NOT display correctly.. no formatted correctly
Drag&Drop Functions
Drag&Drop entire FOLDER from Ultra Recall to a 2nd copy of Ultra Recall
Drag&Drop entire FOLDER from another program to Ultra Recall
Copy and Paste entire FOLDER from another program to Ultra Recall
Import files from another program to Ultra Recall
VIEW copied folder normally
Copy and Paste files from folder to folder
Drag&Drop .eml files to UR
Copy and Paste .eml files to UR
Viewing eml files is a problem
Viewing an eml file via the Data Explorer or the Child Items windows will
display text contents, but not graphics within the eml file.
“Double click” opened the file in a text editor
IMPORT does NOT import eml files
Child Items window
Add a Category Column
Navigating with the MOUSE
Add a category column to the Child Items window, does work with the 1st menu,
Left Click on “MORE” to bring up 2nd menu
However a column box can NOT be selected from the 2nd menu
Navigating with the Arrow Keys
Add a category column to the Child Items window, does work with the 1st menu,
Left Click on “MORE” to bring up 2nd menu
Navigate to a column box and select it with the SPACE key
Cut and Paste
Copy and Paste
Cut /Copy and Paste does NOT work within the Data Explorer window
Cut /Copy and Paste does NOT work within the Child Items window
Cut /Copy and Paste does work from the Data Explorer window
to the Child Items window
Cut /Copy and Paste does work from the Data Explorer window
to the Item Details window
Cut /Copy and Paste does work from the Child Items window
to the Data Explorer window
Cut /Copy and Paste does work from the Child Items window
to the Item Details window
Copy and Paste does work from the Item Details window
to the Child Items window
Copy and Paste does work from the Item Details window
to the Data Explorer window