UI-View32 runs OK in version 5.0, as long as it completes the startup. I've noticed that after shutting the app down and restarting it the wine-preloader process tends to hang and leaves UI-View32 sitting with the map loaded and the splash screen still showing but otherwise totally unresponsive. Top shows the wineserver and wine-preloader process both sitting at around 47-50% CPU usage at this point. I upgraded the install from 4.2 after uninstalling the alpha and beta releases.
When it's running, it seems more responsive under 5.0 than it was under 4.2. A couple of other observations:
- the wine systray appears broken - the systray icon does not appear when the app is running (it did under 4.2)
- when tooltips are showing another wine process shows in the task bar. It disappears when the tooltip popup disappears. I'm sure this didn't happen under 4.2.