Steps to follow ... for CrossOver Office Mac 6.x
1) create a new bottle for Ufile 2007. It must be a win98 bottle. (I tried WinXP and Win2000. These will not work)
2) install the following programs into the new bottle from the standard install applications list:
DCOM98; Microsoft OLE; Internet Explorer 6
3) place the "Ufile 2007.exe" file on the desktop
4) select install unsupported application.
5) select the "UFile 2007.exe" file on desktop
6) select the bottle you created in (1) above.
7) answer the questions and your done!
Note that the data entry fields on each page of the display may not show up. You will have to resize the program window each time you move to a new section or tab from data entry field to data entry field.