Other than some minor issues with installing, and having to use the Tip on file here... this seems to be another flawless game for CXG.
In a new Windows 2K bottle, I adjusted the Display settings (in winecfg) to emulate a 1024x768 desktop and then ran the installer. (note: not using a virtual desktop will automatically run full-screen!)
After it did its thing, it appeared to crash/hang, but it was actually just being rather slow. I let it sit for a while and the install terminated normally, closing the Desktop window and creating appropriate menu icons.
Upon launch, the patcher window is drawn at the physical center of the monitor (or at least coordinates calculated by the monitor resolution), rather than centered on the virtual desktop, so it is clipped off at the edge, and the font rendering is illegible. A message appears "[error :: GetPatchServerInfo ()]", which must be addressed by the Tip/Trick posted here.
The first time patch does take some time, and appears to do nothing to begin with. Let it sit, and the gold progress bar will start to crawl across. The bar will disappear completely when done.
If those two support files were incorporated into the WINE CXG uses, this would be silver, IMHO
edit: what was I thinking? Gold? Too much going on :X