..a posting in the general forums prompted me to have a look
at this title -- it's true, they seem to have graciously removed
the 'gameguard' stuffs, and this much opens up use wrt crossover
& wine -- that said, there are a few caveats...
...to be clear, the 'Full Pak' download of some nearly 900mb, is
a bundle of the Trickster client itself, runtime support files,
and the raptr thing ... what do we call those things? games client
connectivity communicational convergence app?... whatever, and
that component links into the xbox_live & friends API's, which
all require .NET-3.5 to work ... and that doesn't in crossover/wine
..at least, not yet... ergo ... I'm not sure exactly how useful
'Raptr' will be in practice, but you can choose to 'install it
later' (aka. 'do not install' =) ....
...the Trickster client (Splash.exe ?.. ;) uses components from
IE to present it's GUI -- these don't work, or, I haven't found
a way to get it working ... it also requires a library override
for wininet.dll to do the client download/update process, which
seems to complete successfully...
...as the IE stuff is fractured (likely you'll see a 'Navigation
Cancelled' error in the GUI window), you need to first go to the
Trickster Online website, and create an account there (if you don't
already have one) with your -system- web-browser (firefox, safari etc)
-- good time to do this is while it's downloading the updates, as
it takes a little while to complete....
...once it finishes, the 'Game Start' button becomes active, and
you can click on it and login to a server, play the game ; it seemed
to be working okay, but it's not my kind of game so I didn't exercise
it very long/hard - if any part of the game wants to do something
with the IE hooks (the store for example), that probably won't work...
...I'll rattle a crosstie together for this in a bit, and that will
make it easy to install (when the tie comes online) -- manually, you
need to create a new winxp bottle and install 'Microsoft HTML Rendering
Engine 7' (in Community Supported Applications section of cxinstaller)
and then set wininet.dll to 'native' in the Wine Configuration > Libraries
tab ... then install Trickster itself (and raptr is you want ;)
ps: I've given this a silver medal based on how well the game itself
seems to run, and taking no notice of the IE related issues <g>