BACKGROUND: (you can skip reading this)
I love TC for years, and now after buying a MacBook Air I was disappointed not finding a replacement on Os X Lion for this amazing tool. I have some windows vmware machines with TC, but is not the same feeling like running native mac apps. Recently I found CrossOver and I was trilled about running TC on it. But I found a big problem, not being able to run most files from it. After multiple tests, reading documentations about how windows and macos x keep default file associations and after many tried (and frustrating) solutions I found the perfect one:
Simply go into Internal Associations in Total Commander's File menu, click Add, type in . as filetype, click OK, type in:
c:\windows\system32\winebrowser.exe "%1"
in the Open-field, click OK and OK - Done!
This way can also be used to make TC show icons for the files too, but you might have to create one association for each filetype/icon, and be sure to drag the . association to the bottom of the list.
Solution found here:
This seems also a solution for the problem found in this locked threads: , and for this ticket:
Please create a Tips & Tricks article about this solution, because it seems that this is a common issue. I don't know how to do it. It would have saved me hours to have one. Thanks in advance.