I do have TortoiseProc working (the repo browser and history browser).
While it's true that TortoiseSVN is a Windows shell extension, and that pretty much rules out using it for management of working copies, it is also still true that it has the best repo browser for SVN on any platform (imho). So if you do a lot of branching and merging or examining side-by-side diffs, TortoiseProc is the best tool available.
I installed the production release TortoiseSVN (version 1.6.15 32-bit) on an XP bottle, and learned the command line for TortoiseProc, which is just this:
c:\program files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe '/command:repobrowser /path:svn://myserver/myrep/trunk/myproject'
(Note: I'm not a CxOffice wiz... I had to put single quotes around the param list in the Run... dialog. In Windows, that isn't needed)
From there, it works pretty well. There are some screen artifacts, and the URL edit control doesn't work, but most things are fine.