the exe "encountered a serious problem" and needed to close. New problem with 8.0?
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the exe "encountered a serious problem" and needed to close. New problem with 8.0?
Unfortunately, I don't know enough to understand the log, but if there's someone out there who does: here it is. Good luck
Log for Tomb Raider Chronicles
Wed Sep 23 19:18:21 2009/Users/**/Documents/trlog1.cxlog
Starting '/Applications/CrossOver' 'winewrapper.exe' '--workdir' '/Users//Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games/Bottles/tomb raider/drive_c/Program Files/Core Design/Tomb Raider Chronicles' '--run' '--'
'/Users/***/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games/Bottles/tomb raider/drive_c/Program Files/Core Design/Tomb Raider Chronicles/PCTomb5.exe'
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x0000000a at address 0x434843 (thread 0018), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0000000a in 32-bit code (0x00434843).
Register dump:
CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037
EIP:00434843 ESP:0033fdd8 EBP:0033ff48 EFLAGS:00010202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000038 EBX:00000000 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000
ESI:404aa571 EDI:004e5b00
Stack dump:
0x0033fdd8: 00508418 0033fdf0 004e5b00 404aa571
0x0033fde8: 0033ff48 00000000 00000038 00518e8c
0x0033fdf8: 63735c30 74706972 7461642e 00800000
0x0033fe08: 004d1ea9 7ffdf000 0033ff48 7b86058d
0x0033fe18: 0033fe40 7b86058d 00000002 0033fe9c
0x0033fe28: 0033fe68 7b8503f4 01344900 0033fe50
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x00434843 in pctomb5 (+0x34843) (0x0033ff48)
1 0x7b860684 GetProcessVersion+0x36c() in kernel32 (0x0033ffe8)
0x00434843: movb 0xa(%ecx),%dl
Module Address Debug info Name (136 modules)
ELF 0- 4000 Deferred <wine-loader>
PE 400000- f0e000 Export pctomb5
PE 10000000-10059000 Deferred binkw32
PE 40000000-4013c000 Deferred libwine.1.dylib
ELF 40149000-401ed000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
-PE 40150000-401d3000 \ gdi32
PE 401f7000-40200000 Deferred libsm.6.dylib
ELF 40400000-40544000 Deferred user32<elf>
-PE 40410000-404fa000 \ user32
ELF 40544000-4059c000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
-PE 40550000-40595000 \ advapi32
ELF 4059c000-405f4000 Deferred ddraw<elf>
-PE 405a0000-405f0000 \ ddraw
ELF 405f4000-406ef000 Deferred ole32<elf>
-PE 40600000-406de000 \ ole32
ELF 406ef000-40759000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
-PE 40700000-40752000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 40759000-4078b000 Deferred dinput<elf>
-PE 40760000-40787000 \ dinput
ELF 4078b000-407d7000 Deferred dsound<elf>
-PE 40790000-407d4000 \ dsound
ELF 407d7000-407fd000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
-PE 407e0000-407fb000 \ msacm32
ELF 419c6000-41a60000 Deferred winmm<elf>
-PE 419d0000-41a5a000 \ winmm
PE 41a60000-41af9000 Deferred libfreetype.dylib
PE 41b95000-41bbe000 Deferred libfontconfig.1.dylib
PE 41bbe000-41c35000 Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
PE 41c35000-41c59000 Deferred libexpat.0.dylib
ELF 41c59000-41cf6000 Deferred winex11<elf>
-PE 41c60000-41ce9000 \ winex11
PE 41cf6000-41d0b000 Deferred libice.6.dylib
PE 41d0b000-41d1a000 Deferred libxext.6.dylib
PE 41d1a000-41dff000 Deferred libx11.6.dylib
PE 41dff000-41e04000 Deferred libapplewm.7.dylib
ELF 41e04000-41e25000 Deferred imm32<elf>
-PE 41e10000-41e23000 \ imm32
PE 41e29000-41e2d000 Deferred libxinerama.1.dylib
PE 41e2d000-41e33000 Deferred libxxf86vm.1.dylib
PE 41e33000-41e3c000 Deferred libxrender.1.dylib
PE 41e3c000-41e41000 Deferred libxrandr.2.dylib
PE 41e41000-41e4b000 Deferred libxcursor.1.dylib
ELF 41e4b000-41e71000 Deferred winecoreaudio<elf>
-PE 41e50000-41e6e000 \ winecoreaudio
PE 41e71000-41ea6000 Deferred coremidi
PE 41ea6000-41ecc000 Deferred libexpat.1.dylib
PE 41ed0000-41ed9000 Deferred audioipcplugin
PE 41ed9000-41ee5000 Deferred applehdahalplugin
ELF 41ff1000-4200b000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
-PE 42000000-42009000 \ msacm32
ELF 4200b000-42022000 Deferred midimap<elf>
-PE 42010000-42020000 \ midimap
ELF 7b800000-7b94b000 Stabs kernel32<elf>
-PE 7b810000-7b93a000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bca7000 Deferred ntdll<elf>
-PE 7bc10000-7bc89000 \ ntdll
PE 90003000-90097000 Deferred libsqlite3.0.dylib
PE 9008b000-900bf000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE 9008b000-900bf000 Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE 90168000-901a1000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 90168000-901a1000 Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE 90257000-9026c000 Deferred opengl
PE 90ba2000-90cb0000 Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE 90ba2000-90cb0000 Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE 90df9000-90ec9000 Deferred qd
PE 90ea1000-90ea5000 Deferred accelerate
PE 90ea2000-90ec6000 Deferred libpng.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 90ebf000-914be000 Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE 9172c000-91b82000 Deferred libblas.dylib
PE 9172c000-91b82000 Deferred libblas.dylib
PE 91de8000-91ea2000 Deferred ats
PE 91eac000-91ef3000 Deferred ae
PE 91edc000-91f67000 Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE 91edc000-91f67000 Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE 91fb7000-91fe3000 Deferred corevideo
PE 92011000-9207e000 Deferred libglu.dylib
PE 92011000-9207e000 Deferred libglu.dylib
PE 92084000-9208b000 Deferred libradiance.dylib
PE 92084000-9208b000 Deferred libradiance.dylib
PE 92772000-92844000 Deferred coreaudio
PE 927f0000-92818000 Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE 93fed000-94113000 Deferred cfnetwork
PE 93fed000-94113000 Deferred cfnetwork
PE 94196000-941b3000 Deferred langanalysis
PE 94196000-941b3000 Deferred langanalysis
PE 941d3000-942a6000 Deferred launchservices
PE 941d3000-942a6000 Deferred launchservices
PE 942da000-9438c000 Deferred ink
PE 9436e000-94408000 Deferred coretext
PE 9436e000-94408000 Deferred coretext
PE 943ee000-9458e000 Deferred imageio
PE 943ee000-9458e000 Deferred imageio
PE 9481e000-94866000 Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE 948df000-94991000 Deferred printcore
PE 948df000-94991000 Deferred printcore
PE 94c35000-94c9b000 Deferred metadata
PE 94c35000-94c9b000 Deferred metadata
PE 94c35000-94c9b000 Deferred metadata
PE 94c35000-94c9b000 Deferred metadata
PE 94c9b000-9508f000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 94c9b000-9508f000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 94c9b000-9508f000 Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE 952b3000-955ca000 Deferred security
PE 95608000-9561a000 Deferred diskarbitration
PE 95608000-9561a000 Deferred diskarbitration
PE 9561c000-957e3000 Deferred audiotoolbox
PE 95828000-95898000 Deferred navigationservices
PE 95935000-960a5000 Deferred coregraphics
PE 95935000-960a5000 Deferred coregraphics
PE 95935000-960a5000 Deferred coregraphics
PE 95935000-960a5000 Deferred coregraphics
PE 96069000-960c3000 Deferred coreui
PE 96148000-9619e000 Deferred systemconfiguration
PE 96180000-9618a000 Deferred libgif.dylib
PE 96185000-9661c000 Deferred quartzcore
PE 96185000-9661c000 Deferred quartzcore
PE 96653000-96657000 Deferred installserver
PE 9693b000-96941000 Deferred libffi.dylib
PE 96972000-96b9d000 Deferred corefoundation
PE 96ab6000-96aba000 Deferred veclib
PE 96abb000-96ac0000 Deferred audiounit
PE 96ac1000-96ac9000 Deferred securityhi
PE 96c45000-96c59000 Deferred libz.1.dylib
PE 96fb2000-970be000 Deferred colorsync
PE 97218000-973a5000 Deferred libicucore.a.dylib
PE 97352000-97427000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 97352000-97427000 Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE 973dd000-974bf000 Deferred kerberos
PE 973dd000-974bf000 Deferred kerberos
PE 974a5000-97567000 Deferred searchkit
PE 97525000-9754c000 Deferred libjpeg.dylib
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000009 0
00000014 0
00000013 0
00000012 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000016 0
00000015 0
00000011 0
00000010 0
00000017 (D) C:\Program Files\Core Design\Tomb Raider Chronicles\PCTomb5.exe
00000019 0
00000018 0 <==
0000001d 0
=>0 0x00434843 in pctomb5 (+0x34843) (0x0033ff48)
1 0x7b860684 GetProcessVersion+0x36c() in kernel32 (0x0033ffe8)
I'm using Crossover Games 8.0 on a Mac (10.5.8).
I installed onto a Win98 bottle. If you want to use a WinXP bottle, I tried that, but needed to download a patch from You can find the multi-patch at:
It's the Tomb Raider Multi-Patch.
I found it easier just to install on a win98 bottle.
Next: in your Tomb Raider Chronicles folder (not the Program Files in c/drive, but the one you get when you click Crossover Games Applications), you'll see several icons. Click "Setup".
Make sure your Output Resolution is 640 x 480 16 bit. Check the box that says "Windowed".
In your Crossover Games Menu, go to Manage Bottles (you can find it under Configure in the top menu, or next to the little wine bottle in the Crossover Games screen). Go to your Tomb Raider Chronicles bottle, and click 'control panel'. Select 'winecfg' and click 'launch selected item'. Go to the 'graphics' tab and UNCHECK the box that says "allow pixel shading (if supported by hardware)". CHECK the box that say "emulate a virtual desktop". I set mine at 800 x 600. You can try to mess around with the resolution, but to be honest, it won't work for me in full-screen, and the other resolutions just don't seem to work.
This will at least allow you to play the game. I've only played a bit of the first story so I can't say how much of the game will run, or what bugs might lie in wait, but so far it seems playable, and the videos and cutscenes seem to run okay for me.
I can no longer get TRC to work in Crossover Games Mac 9.0
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