I saw that generally people have problems getting the instant client woring with TOAD.
extract instantclient-sqlplus-win32- to ORA
extract instantclient-basic-win32- to ORA
add to ORA the file tnsnames.ora
copy this directory to you ~/.cxoffice/bottlename/drive_c/ORA
Using crossover "Run a Windows Command" typw "regedit.exe"
select the
create a new key called "Oracle"
inside the "Oracle" key create the following "String Values"
PATH = "C:\ORA\"
then in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager/Environment
Add to the variable PATH="%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System;C:\ORA\"
exit the regedit and your TOAD should pick up the sqlplus.exe
N.B. = if you don't assign the variable ORACLE_HOME, toad will think that sqlplus is and instanclient.... i will fail miserabelly trying to load OCI.dll
N.B.2 = if you use the latest inistantclient toad will fail to load OCI.dll file
N.B.3= make sure when adding the ORA folder to the path and other variable to put "\" at the end like this "c:\ora\" otherwise wine will not be able to load properly the required dll files