Good Morning (for me at least) :)
I was trying to run tibia.exe on my Macbook Pro 2009 running your
latest version of CrossOver Games. It will not display the game
however it says that its running. I updated my computer to the
newest version of Mountain Lion last night, which was released 1-2
days ago I believe. Is anyone having similar problems? Can anyone
help me? :)
I am confused:
1.) Are you using CrossOver or CrossOver Games? CrossOver Games has not been sold since last February and has been merged into CrossOver, so if you have an application that says 'Games' it is a little bit old now.
2.) Did you update from OS X 10.7.x (Lion) to Mountain Lion, or did you update from one version of Mountain Lion to another (Apple released some OS updates yesterday)? CrossOver Games will not run on Mountain Lion, but recent versions of CrossOver will.
3.) Did you have a working version of Tibia before the update and the update broke it, or did you install after the update and have trouble?
Likely you should open a support ticket. If yesterday's Mountain Lion update is causing problems for you, we want to know.