I'm having a strange problem with the Witcher. I'm mid-way through chapter 3, and every quest I had from Chapter 3 are no longer in the journal. When I go back to Triss' house in the Trade Quarter, she again gives me the sensors to place throughout town (as though it's the beginning of chapter 3) I'm then re-given all of the initial quests and items. I went back almost to the beginning of the chapter saves, and so far all of the chapter 3 quests that I had completed are gone too.
Here is a specific example: I was in the Vizima Cemetery doing the quest Six Feet Under. Towards the end of the quest, you have the option of chasing after the group of elves and dwarves or rescuing the people in the crypt. I chose to rescue the people in the crypt. When I entered the crypt, the game autosaved. I got to the people at the back of the crypt and killed the ghouls. I received an update that I should talk to Sigfried. The screen blinked as if it was going to start the cut scene of the people being rescued, but instead nothing happened. The terrified people stayed where they were and the quest did not progress. The quest (and almost every other Chapter 3 quest) had disappeared from the journal.
I don't know if this is a CXG problem or a Witcher problem. I didn't find this problem searching on Google.
I'm on a 21" iMAC (4 GB ram, 256MB 4670 Radeon HD) with OSX 10.6.5 running CXG 10.0 beta. I'm going to revert to CXG 9.2 and see what happens.
The Witcher Enhanced Edition is version 1.5 with the Director's Cut patch applied. The game has also been crashing randomly, some times when loading a saved game other times when switching areas. Nothing consistent or repeatable about when it seems to happen. (Other people have reported similar problems with the game, with the crashes some times corrupting save files or even deleting the save files.)
Has anyone else run into this? Any suggestions for determining if this is a CXG problem or a Witcher bug?