I'm having some issues with The Secret World. Right now in order to play it I have to log into Windows (which defeats the purpose of using Crossover :)).
I have a pretty strict policy of not playing games that won't run under Wine but I'm really enjoying the whole deep story/secret society vibe from this MMO. However, I'd like to do whatever I can to make it more playable so I can switch back to gentoo.
Here's what I did:
Installed Steam and accepted the defaults.
Installed font packs, Direct X Runtime, Direct X Web, and .Net 3.5 (with all dependencies).
After installing the Crossover versions of these packages, installed the offical Microsoft DirectX-Redistributable (June 2010 version) for 32 bit systems. This was to add in some missing .dlls as reported at WineHQ's profile for the game.
Installed The Secret World using the Steam installer.
Created a launcher pointing to PatcherSetup.exe (also suggested at WineHQ).
Added registry keys (suggested here)
StrictDrawOrdering = enabled -> Show Intro Movies and stop Display flickering
I set the game graphics option to "Low" (the lowest setting) and to use DirectX 9.
The game launches fine, I can login, the cinematics will play for a new character, the character selector renders my existing toon, but the game is PIG SLOW. FPS is about 6-8 if not moving at all, and drops to 1-2 when turning or taking even a single step forward.
I'm using the closed nVidia drivers which are up to date, all my other MMO clients run fine. While most of the games I play are a little older, I do play Rift (which is graphics intensive and fairly new).
Anyone else out there having any better luck getting it to run well?