Hi there, I was wondering if anything progressed since the last post in thread titled disappointed?
Currently I'm on an iMac (3.2 GHz Intel Core i3) with 16GB 1333 MHz DDR3. This iMac has the ATI Radeon HD 5670 512 MB graphics card. I'm on the most current OS (10.8.2) and I am running CrossOver 12.1.2.
I followed most of the directions in several threads and I have the game working, but I'm having some of the fore mentioned graphics problems. The screen does this rapid blink and some of the menus are a bit screwed up. While it is technically playable, I can't really edit/create a character due to most of the menus being a bit of a mess.
These are the steps I followed so far:
create a new winxp bottle, and install the following :
*Microsoft Directx Runtime - Modern (in Runtime Support Components
of cxinstaller GUI)*DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer (in Community Supported
Applications of cxinstaller GUI)
One of the directions (* set a library override for shlwapi.dll to native in the Wine Configuration libraries tab) I could not follow because, frankly, I don't know how to. I'm not sure how to access RegEdit in CrossOver to do many of the suggestions in the threads.
Anyways, it seems like Secret World is almost playable. Any suggestions on how to get this fully working? Any new steps? If you do have code or regedit procedures, would you mind going thru the steps on how to do this, as I'm a novice when it comes to dealing with that sort of stuff. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that are like me too.
Thanks for your help and I hope to get TSW working and running.