Hey, I just bought The Impersonator and Oblivion GOTY through Steam, and have it on two computers.
The first computer, my laptop, has 4 GB of RAM, and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 (256MB Video RAM). The computer is dual-core with a clock speed of 2.4 GHz.
When I play Oblivion on this computer, I get a playable framerate of about 20-25 FPS. It's using fglrx.
The second computer, my desktop, has 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (also 256MB of Video RAM). This computer has a quad core processor, with each core running at 3 GHz.
When I play Oblivion on my desktop, I get a framerate of 3-5 fps, no matter what I set the graphics settings to, both in the registry and the game's built-in options. It's using the latest nvidia driver.
Both computers run Linux.
It would seem to me that my desktop should run Oblivon faster than the laptop, if not simply run it at a playable framerate. Does anyone know of any settings I might be overlooking? Is this a problem with my configuration, or with the nvidia drivers?
Any help/ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!