I installed Morrowind 1.0 under Fedora Core 4 with CXOffice 4.2.0. I had DCOM95 and Internet Explorer 6.0 installed already, but I'm not sure if these are required or not. I had to install from hard drive after getting a "Please insert disk 0" error message. (After Googling, I found that this message is caused by CD read speeds being too slow, and I think it's possible my CD was too scratched.) Installation of both the game and the Construction Set ran flawlessly, except for a few graphical glitches. When trying to run the program from the Gnome menu, I got the error
"Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found."
I found that this was because it was trying to run "Morrowind Launcher.exe". This works under Wine 20050725, so I'm not sure why it was not working here. It may have been a configuration issue. When running this program under Wine, installing the 1.2.0722 patch often helps to get the game running, so I installed that patch afterwards. Installing this patch caused all the Morrowind-related menu entries to disappear, except for the "Uninstall Morrowind" link. I then tried to run "Morrowind.exe" from the command line and got a "CD not found" error. After applying a no-cd patch, I tried running the program again, and it crashed with the output at this URL: http://pastebin.com/337920
I then tried installing Tribunal and applying the latest patch for that. (1.4.1313). This time, no CD crack was required (???), but the program still crashed. The output is at this URL: http://pastebin.com/337929