This application runs with good graphics and speed on Suse Linux 10.1 x86_64 Operating System, AMD64 3800 CPU, and a GeForce 7800 GSOC video board in unsupported winxp bottle. There are a few problems that I haven't figured out, one being the installation of Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Bloodmoon installs and Morrowind will run and the topic of Solstheim comes up, so I think that Bloodmoon will run OK. When Tribunal is installed, problems are created. When Morrowind is starting to load Bloodmoon and Tribunal both, error messages about too big a chunk exceeding the default value 8 are displayed. I don't know what prameter is being conplained about. My ulimit is set to nolimit. I have looked at the CrossOver config files, and have found no setting limitation of 8. The other descrepancies in the game that I noticed, is in the inventory menu, you cannot see a picture of your character but this doesn't affect the function of the menu, and the map does not display correctly at times. I have submitted screenshots from near the beginning of the game.