Right! got it. The procedure that worked was:
In a clean win98 bottle, and Textpad running on a win98 box (glad I still keep that around on a machine):
Select desired font & size for doc class in textpad on win98 machine
Shut down textpad (writes key to reg)
run/refresh view on regedit
save key to reg file
run regedit on Linux/CX
import key
Textpad will then show the chosen font size. Changing the font and style then seems to work, size remains constant.
Seems to have to be win98; I couldn't get the registry import/export to work in a Win2000 bottle due to no regedt32, and regedit not working right, as far as I could tell.
This and the problems with edit-lien hiliting are about the only other issues, no? Too bad Helios can't be stuffed to at least get TP working 100% on CX, I'd even pay some $$ for a special version.