I'm also having problems with crashing. The game runs fine, and everything seems to be in good order, but then at some random point, usually 15 minutes in or so, the game crashes. It freezes, the audio loops, and then it blacks out. It seems to do this more often at 1920x1200 resolution than at 1280x800, though I can't be certain as I haven't played it a whole lot at the lower res.
Additionally, when I enable facial animations using the registry edit, I get a black screen at startup. I can hear sounds when I move my mouse over the invisible selections, but I cannot see anything so I have to quit out.
During gameplay proper, sometimes the mouse cursor appears in the middle of the screen, where the target reticle is, and doesn't go away. Not game-breaking, but quite irritating.
This is using the most recent version of CrossoverGames, running on my previous generation MacBook Pro. 17", 2.4Ghz, 2G RAM, Mac OS 10.5.6, with an Nvidia 8600M GT video card.
Possibly related driver issue, but off-topic: One of the things that is very problematic is that when a player and a medic are ubered, it is EXTREMELY difficult to tell. For some reason, they do not flash and show up as reflective-shiny players when I am playing under Mac OS--instead they are coloured blue-ish or red-ish depending on their team, which is quite difficult to see in a firefight.