I am playing TF2 on a black mid-2007 Macbook with 2GB of RAM. I have found that playing in a window at 1152 x 760 is very playable with none of the texture problems I was experiencing with TF2 under bootcamp. The only bug I can detect in the setup is that the chat text is unreadable. All other fonts and text are perfectly fine. I do have my models set at medium and textures set at low (tried medium to see if that was affecting text, but no). I'm pretty happy with this. On a similar note, as a Team Fortress nut, I must report that TFC plays flawlessly in fullscreen with all the graphical goodies turned up. I also like Fortress Forever but it has sever font / menu rendering issues. IF you can figure your way through by clicking where you think you're supposed to, you can get the server browser up and get into games, it would be nice if you guys were able to get that one running as well as TFC. Overall, very happy - but please see if you can figure out what is up with chat text in TF2.