I am using the trial of Crossover to see if I am ready to buy it to play TF2 and some other games and not have to boot into Windows XP as much :P
It seems to run a little better as it has in the past but there still seems to be really bad mouse lag and CPU lag (I'm getting about 40 FPS with most settings on high) but it just "feels laggy". Is this my imagination or does anyone else feel this way? There is definitely mouse lag though - is there a way to fix this?
Also how do you hack in/enable DX9 support. Is that possible? I read on the forums here once that someone had done something like that. Basically I'd like to have the facial expressions that you get on windows and have the water look better (its all black and ugly). Plus even though most of my settings are on medium to high (I run them all max in Windows) it still looks pretty bad. Is this possible? I'm assuming this would be through the regedit in CX or through command line in he Steam TF2 launcher.
Specs: 2.4 C2D Pernyn MBP, 256MB VRAM 8600, 2 GIGS RAM, OS X 10.5.4, 200GIG HD 5400RPM, Wireless-N via Time Capsule