Regarding mouse sensitivity. This is probably not what's affecting you guys, since you report that the sensitivity seems to change, but I just figured I'd report it: with some mice on some surfaces, the mouse can lose the ability to track movement if you move it very fast. I was helping a user with an issue where, when she flicked the mouse, she wouldn't turn almost at all. Sometimes she would turn a bit and then "bounce" back. I was able to reproduce this myself, but I isolated it to the mouse. Even with CrossOver not running, if I moved the mouse very fast, the cursor would not move, or move randomly. I switched to a different mouse and all the symptoms went away, both in the game and outside of CrossOver.
Another issue: if you're running a game in the window, it's possible that very fast mouse movements will cause the (invisible) cursor to leave the window for a moment. When a Windows game wants to get relative mouse movements (rather than cursor position), Wine has to fake that functionality. It starts by centering the cursor in the middle of the window. Then, each time the mouse moves, it calculates the distance from the center to determine the movement, and then re-centers the cursor. This mostly works fine. However, if the cursor leaves the window, Wine may not get the correct position. It still re-centers it, so the next movement works.
So, I recommend trying in full-screen mode to see if that helps at all, since the cursor shouldn't be able to leave the window.
Handling the scroll wheel is a bit complicated. Mac OS X reports scroll wheel events with a distance scrolled. This distance is in arbitrary units. CrossOver interfaces with Wine using X11, and X11 uses discreet scroll "clicks" for its scroll wheel events. Finally, the Windows program expects scroll wheel events to have a magnitude where 120 is arbitrarily set to one "notch" on the scroll wheel (for those which have a notch in their mechanism). So, Windows could support fine-grained scrolling, using values less than 120, but X11 can't produce fine-grained events. Since X11 events correspond to the notch, Wine translates one X11 scroll event to 120 units.
Originally, CrossOver translated each unit of the Mac scroll events to a single X11 scroll event. However, that produced much too aggressive scrolling. A small turn of the wheel (or "pea" on a Mighty Mouse) would send a web page flying, or spin through your weapons way too fast. So, I introduced a scaling factor between Mac scroll events and X11 scroll events. Currently, the scaling factor is 6 -- that is, 6 units of Mac scrolling are translated to 1 X11 scroll event. Any remainder after dividing by 6 is accumulated and added into the next scroll event. Any time the scrolling changes direction, the remainder is set so that even a single unit of scrolling produces an X11 event, so that you don't have to "build up a head of steam" to get scrolling in the new direction.
Anyway, the scaling factor is adjustable using a hidden preference setting. When CrossOver is not running, you can issue a command like this:
defaults write com.codeweavers.CrossOverGames ScrollWheelThreshold -int 2
Use a different value than 2, as you prefer. Values less than 1 will be considered equal to 1, which does no scaling -- each unit of a Mac scroll corresponds to one X11 scroll event. If you're using mainline CrossOver rather than CrossOver Games, use "CrossOver" instead of "CrossOverGames" in the command.
Now, on top of all of the above, Mac OS X also provides an acceleration curve for scrolling. That is, the scroll event distance isn't directly proportional to the distance that the surface of the scroll wheel has moved. Faster movements produce events with greater distance than slow movements, even if the physical hardware has been moved the same amount. So, it can be hard to pick a scaling factor that always works with your habits.