I purchased TaxCut Deluxe + State today and decided to find out if it works. I first tried to install it into my existing Win98 bottle (5.0.1 CXO), even though Codeweavers suggested I try a new bottle. I was daring. The install seemed to go perfectly. I installed the federal forms, then followed up by installing the Minnesota state form. A registration form popped up, but I was not able to connect to the Internet to register. Too bad.
However, when trying to start the application, I got zip. It seemed to want to start, but nothing ever displayed. Dispair!
I then installed the programs into a new bottle, cleverly titled 'TaxCut2005'. I used the Win2000 template. Once again, the programs installed and the registration window popped up. I entered my info, tried to register over the Internet, and was told 'no go'. I then tried the 'Register by Email' button and that did something, though I doubt it actually sent the email.
This time, starting the program (command line 'taxcut') gave me a welcome screen from H & R Block. I also was prompted to load a Mozilla Active X plugin, which Codeweavers offered to find and install for me. I clicked OK, and the plugin installed, and we were off.
I imported my tax return from 2004, which I had done in TurboTax. Oddly, the program refused to see my tax file when I browsed my computer, but it allowed me to type its name into a box and use that. It worked fine.
I am in the process of filling out my return and am now about 20% through. I will update later as I learn more. So far, so good.