The only living and upto date Geological Modelling software available for Crossover soft. Ive tried others, Micromine, Datamine, Minesight, Maptek Vulcan, none of these works or even install. Mining Industry should be very happy this one actually works.
How to Install.
- Xp Bottle
- DirectX modern (you need this for Directx driver support which is faster in Surpac than Opengl though opengl still work just slow)
- dot net 3.5.1 (for some reason in my testings on functions and stability you need both 3.51 and 4.0 to deter errors.)
- dot net 4.0
- MDAC 2.8 (you really need this for ODBC connectivity and some drivers supported in Surpac)
- Microsoft Jet 4.0 engine (install this first before the Microsoft office)
- Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007. (you need to put this in the same bottle of surpac for database editing and additional drivers. )
- Core Fonts (you see the surpac crosshair and arrow? it will look like a folder icon if you dont put this one)
- Install Surpac Prerequisites then Install Surpac Main Installer.
Note: Linux Crossover enjoys vanilla Surpac the only bug ive seen is the lower window editing sizing it just stuck like that. the rest works like a charm.
Mac Crossover is not so good, it seems the Graphics workspace overlaps everything, menus will be clipped if it overlaps the GUI see the Mac Screenshot, ive tried every graphics settings you could tweak. nothing works. if only this can be fixed a lot of Geologists and Mining Engineers who are Mac Users in the Mining Industry would be very happy.