You can do the following... they worked great under Cedega, I don't see why not it would not work under CXOffice. (NOTE: my gaming rig was borked, and I threw it away, so when I say I played it. I mean I played it, until the trajedy happened.) Google low polygon models for CS, if you have an nvidia card, look for nvopengl.dll and put it in /Valve/Steam/SteamApss/, change the only document in there to read...
Default Default
... then run in a different, much lower memory consuming window environment, and if you want to (this does make a difference) run in a lower desktop resolution. The desktop itself, not CS, it makes a difference, so does the color depth. This next part worked wonders when I played CS 1.5 on Wine, I totaly forgot about it when I played it under Cedega, go to your bios and decrease your video ram to half or less of what it should be. I saw on my Celeron 2.0ghz, 512 megs of ram, and a GeForce 2 MX 200 64 meg, go from something like 25-50fps to 35-99fps. But then I got a new box and it was an AMD Athlon XP 2500+, 512 megs of 3200 ram (running at 2700 because of Proc?) a GeForce FX 5500 256. Ok whatever. Anyways now in CS itself, or any game for that matter, go into console and do the following. Type ati then tab. There should be 2 ati statements, put them both to zero since they just make models look prettier on Windows driver based ATI cards. Then in console type r_mmx 1, which turns on the mulitmedia processor extension found in new processors (disabled by default for some reason), there's more graphic commands, but I don't feel like searching for them at the moment, if I have time later on I'll reply them on here. Ok, now for the internet, go onto the steam screen where it says play games, news, whatever. Click on settings, and go to internet, make it so it is your net connection or similar. Now go into any game, and then go into the console. Type the following.. rate 25000, cl_rate 20000 25000, cl_cmdrate 65, cl_cmdupdatarate 65. Theres more, alot more, but there not coming to my head, when they do I'll post them here. Hope this helps!