As I have mentioned before, Steam is having trouble with Sacred 2: Gold, and it is indeed Steam, as I have successfully installed the game using the Gamer's Gate installer.
The problem is that each time I try to launch S2:G from Steam it tries to install three redistributable packages -- DirectX, PhysX, and Visual Basic C++. Or at least I think Visual Bsic C++ is the third. Its "vcredist_x86.exe" in the folder. In anycase, upon first attempt there are three. For all attempts there after there are two things to be installed. I don't know what both of these are, but I do know what one is -- DirectX. I tried installing that particular program "manually" through the CX installer, however it failed to install.
It seems clear that it isn't needed as I've never needed it before, and certainly doesn't need it now as I'm running S2:G in the Steam bottle and the Gamer's Gate installer didn't install anything other than the game itself. Or atleast none that I saw.