Hi all!
The subject about says it all. Running Crossover Linux 11.2.0 it was no problem installing the game (including sound). But the Blizzard Downloader fails with "The application couldn't be executed for some reason. Please close all applications and try again".
The reason in my case was a missing libjpeg62 (in its 32 bit version). It took me a while to solve this issue because:
a) there is the very prominent other issue with the downloader mentioned in the "tips & tricks" section, and
b) I don't experience the symptoms of a missing libjpeg62 described in this forum (missing/black buttons)
c) this thread from 2010 describing my problem has no follow-ups and the issue was never resolved.
How to detect this issue:
1) run
/path/to/sc2/bottle/desktopdata/cxmenu/StartMenu.C\^5E3A\^5Fusers\^5FPublic\^5FStart\^2BMenu/Programs/StarCraft+II/StarCraft+II.lnk --verbose
the --verbose is important!
2) look for a line similar to this (may contain a linebreak or 5 😉 )
_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: U_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: U_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: U_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: U_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: E_cairo_win32_get_system_text_quality: Eerr:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find libjpeg.so.62
Maybe this info can be added to the crashing BlizzardDownloader.exe tip&trick?