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No joystick though

The game seems to run smoothly up to the point where it looks for a game controller! It just then redirects me to the desktop claiming it won't work right without a joystick attached. That is partially true. However I own a number of game controllers, and none seem to be recognized in Crossover games. I've done a small search but I only found a post from 2008 saying that it's hard to use game controllers in crossover games and would take a long time to integrate that (which sounds to me like talking about a product still in beta. I can't imagine that crossover games does not support a game controller!!! My controllers work in all other programs and shells (like dosbox. I am able to play xwing for dos perfectly with my joystick on dosbox). So I guess I missed a step somewhere? (I suppose that the post about not being able to use game controllers is outdated since it was more than 2 years ago). Please direct me to the right instructions to getting my joystick up and running since you claim that XWA is supported with a silver medal too, which means that the game controller issue is resolved, just I cannot find the instructions... I suppose? guess??? hope??????? (a new hope!!! episode IV) ;)

thank you


You've neglected to mention a crucial factor....OSX? Linux?...


True, failed to mention that... OSX :D

CrossOver relies on the native OS (Mac OS X, in your case) to interface with the hardware. Therefore, you need Mac OS X drivers for your controller/joystick. If you have those, it should work, although it's always possible it's not working at it should.

I don't believe I can find extra Mac drivers for my joystick. However it seems to work perfectly with other apps as I mention in my other post. osx to my mind has a native support for game controllers (maybe?) However it doesn't seem to have any need for drivers...

You can open a support ticket describing all of the specifics (version of CrossOver, version of Mac OS X, and the specific joystick/controller that's not working). We may be able to obtain that hardware and debug the issue, although I can't promise anything at this point.

I have a number of joysticks and none seem to work with Crossover Games. Although software aimed towards configuring joysticks in macosx recognize and work perfectly. I use the MS force feedback 2 joystick the wireless freedom logitech gamepad and the wireless thrustmaster gamepad.

I've been dealing with this same problem for quite a while now, X-Wing Alliance is the last of my windows games that doesn't work with crossover, due to this problematic joystick issue. I've scoured the internet, and even gone around to winehq, but nobody seems successful to get it working thus far on OSX


Okay, there is something spooky going on here with HID input and OSX,
I've only had a Mac myself for a few months, and I only started looking
into HID and CXG in depth in the last couple of weeks...

There's an advocate posting on this...but anyhow, I have a rewired Xbox
360 'S' Controller...I think the 'S' stood for 'special edition', as it
has the translucent plastic body -- all works fine on my linux box, so
plug it into the Mac...need driver -> search engine -> end up at the
well known sourceforge repo and something called the 'XHD' xbox controller
driver for OSX...install it, check all is working - it is ; start game
I want to use it with under CXG...does it see the xpad? try a
few other apps, but the answer doesn't change..., I posted somewhere, wishlist bug perhaps, and Ken told me Aric had
done most of the work on that part of wine...<insert advocate posting>...
and Aric replied that he had done much of the xpad testing using the so
named '360Controller' OSX xpad driver...ergo, uninstall the XHD driver,
download/install the 360Controller driver...and it doesn't see my 'S'
version xpad at all. Okay, no big deal, it is the season of bargains,
and I find a place selling 'real' xbox 360 for PC controllers cheap enough
to have me not take notice of the branding, get home and plug it in and
it's immediately seen and working in the 360Controller prefs panel...

...start up a game in CXG...prolly SimBin's Volvo The Game title...look
at that, the xpad works well too. Quit that, head for GTR
Evolution from the same developer = works there too. Next, try another
racing sim game from another doesn't work : try another
of their titles and it still doesn't work. Try a different game again

  • doesn't work either. Net result was -only- the SimBin titles see the
    xpad ; none of the other driving sims linux, -all- the titles
    test see the xpad fine...

I imagine if I can have that much disparity with just the xpad in OSX,
it's just as likely joysticks are also affected similarly - testing that
HID in OSX is this week's USBorama..


So, if my limited technical knowledge is understanding that, you're saying that it seems to be an OSX wide phenomena of problems with the wine HID interfacing with the macintosh input devices, and not just simply this application?


Yep, you got it...since I typed the above, I've had a deeper look
at it - it's seemingly application dependent ; Mac HID input does
work 'correctly' in some many games ; not at all in others. It depends
on whether the win32 app is trying to access the hardware device
itself, or else gets it's data via x_input instead (I think?). If
that's the case, is more of an 'as yet unimplemented feature' one
supposes...not really a can work around it by remapping
inputs with 'usb overdrive' or such, but it's not a 'real' fix.


While I'm sure USB overdrive does work, my problem with this game however, is that it requires that an input is recognized by the HID device. Without the joystick plugged in, the game will not even start. Is there any way that I can fool the game, and crossover into thinking there is some sort of input plugged in, even if I'm not using the joystick?


In that case, no, I do not know of any work around sorry. That's actually the problem I believe ; OSX doesn't present a 'fake' gameport device interface for the game to see, which means most games will start just not have joystick input -- if the title, as you suggest, needs to see that device before it will start, you might be sunk... ;-\


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