CrossOver Games 9.2.1
Ubuntu 10.04
Gnome 2.30.2
Intel chipset (dual)
When I log into game I am unable to type either at the login window nor in the chat box once logged in.
The keyboard does work, I can move using the key board and rotate camera angle with the numberpad keys.
I can enter the chat box by pressing "enter" and also by pressing "/" but once there I cannot type.
I can exit the chat box by pressing "Esc" and also by pressing "Cntrl+Enter"
It can take close to an hour or just a few minutes and suddenly it works.
I don't know why that happens or why it suddenly works.
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot it?
I have the "winxp bottle" set up to run in a simulated window, otherwise it is unplayable, the mouse will not reach all buttons.
I realize that Star Wars Galaxies is not supported but any help would be appreciated.